aka Phonebur...

Age: 35

Birthday: 10th September

Gender: Genderqueer, "Male"

Pronouns: Any/All

Sexuality: Unlabelled

Nationality: American (Florida)

Fav colour: Pink

Inspo and/or Source: Dialtown

Likes: Politics, Shitty 80s movies, Gardening

Dislikes: Capitalist governments, Babys crying

Theme song:

The Story:

Mayor of a city in Florida and famous porn actor. His father was a wealthy man and he is only the mayor due to being his son. He actively tries to do everything in his power to spite his father.


Jade's protective older brother. Worries about him daily.

Met Franz in a gay bar in Las Vegas and decided to get themselves matching outfits while drunk. They've stayed close friends since.