Fuligo Pulvis

aka ...pretentiousLibratian

Sweeps: 11

Wrigglingday: September 14th

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: He/They/Soot

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Caste: Bronze

Quadrantmates: None

Likes: Reading & Stargazing

Dislikes: People who tell him to shut up

Theme song:

Typing quirk:

Types in italics (may also be subsituted for astericks) and quotation marks. Uses commas after every 2-3 words. Capitalises first letton of a sentance, uses proper grammar and spelling. u = V, U = v, c / C = :), m = M, M = m, W = w, w = W. Replaces the word "come" with cum (Example: " Hello there, My friends, Whats Vp,? Wanna :)VM, hang oVt?" * )

The Story:

A troll living on Alternia with his close knit group of friends, a very helpful asset to the team however usually gets busy due to being caught up in political nonsense.